grow like a

Bliss ...

clarke ching 1 min read
Bliss ...
Photo by Markus Spiske / Unsplash

I love it when I open my email client and find a reply from you, or someone else who's read one of my emails*.

It makes me feel ... NICE.



Hmm ...

Nice is one of a dozen correct words, but it's weak.

So let me try again.




Got it.

Your emails are NOURISHING.

Like sunshine.
And fresh vegetables.
And ... dare I say it ... crab salad!

Or a smile from a loved one.
Or from a stranger.
Or a boss.

I don't know if snakes and crabs need "positive feedback" to help them grow.

But ... I do.

Most humans do.


Positive feedback, wordless-smiles, a pat on the back - they're the fuel that keeps (many of) us going, and growing.

Take a look at the 3 sigmoid curves in the diagram below:

s-curves of growth

People like me, we tend to focus on the exciting part of the diagram:

  • the brick walls,
  • the inflexion points,
  • the moments when we shed our skins or come out of our shells.

But, it's the boring parts - the every day nourishment - that keep us growing.

Without it ... we never grow enough to bump up against those brick walls.

Take care,
Clarke - who'd love you to hit reply!

  • You probably don't realise this, but you're in good company - over 3K birds-of-a -feather read my wee notes each day.
  • I'm soooo glad you don't all reply at once, though, because my head would 🤯.
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Clarke Ching - The Bottleneck Guy

I'm Clarke. I help busy bosses claw their weekends back.

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