Can AI help us improve our emotional intelligence?

clarke ching 1 min read
Can AI help us improve our emotional intelligence?
Photo by Denny Müller / Unsplash - A broom with a point of view?

It sounds unlikely - thinking of The Terminator! - but AI has helped improve my social skills!

Here is one example:

Finding the right words in tricky situations.

One of the biggest things I learned from writing novels is how to craft dialogue. It’s an art and a skill. The more you practice, the better you get.

In my mentoring/coaching work, I often see managers struggle with finding the right words to say.

We're all like that, right?

So, I’ll offer to "write some dialogue" off the top of my head, out loud.

I start talking, and although my words are rough, they cherry-pick what resonates and fine-tune it from there.

It’s not a service I ever thought I’d provide! But it works.

Since I don’t have a coach myself, and I work alone from home, I sometimes turn to ChatGPT when I’m stuck for words.

I’ll describe my situation and ask for suggestions of what to say.

Out of five ideas, one or two might click—and that’s all I need.

For instance,

A while ago, a friend's loved one passed away, and I simply did not know what to say, without sounding like a cliche, so I asked ChatGPT, took one of its suggestions and reworded it until it felt like it was exactly what I'd say. I didn't need the exact words - just an example I could bounce off.

Here's the thing: over time, I think, I'll get better at knowing what to say because chatGPT has helped me practice saying the right things.

(And the free version of chatGPT is perfect for this)

Take care, and if you have a moment spare ... hit reply and say hello!


p.s. Don't forget the


Clarke Ching - The Bottleneck Guy

I'm Clarke. I help busy bosses claw their weekends back.

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