Hello, again!
Next Wednesday I’m running a free, live 90-minute zoom session where I will walk you through the ins and outs of the Agile-Toc Method (ATM).
This is the fastest, simplest, and easiest way for you to learn the ATM’s “big picture”.
It’s on at 1 pm NZ time on July 20th.
Which is great if you’re in NZ, Australia, Asia or the Americas, but - sorry - it sucks if you’re in the UK or EU.
Don’t worry: it will be recorded.
That said, there will be loads of time for questions, so if you’re especially keen to learn how to use Agile and ToC to save peoples’ jobs, make more money, deliver big software projects on time, deliver better software products, etc, please try to join live.
Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAtc-iupz4vG9C_FibMjH5oZFHNexFDYfhb
Hope life is treating you well,