Help me celebrate Rolling Rocks Downhill!

clarke ching 1 min read
Help me celebrate Rolling Rocks Downhill!
Ten years …

I can hardly believe it, but in two weeks, Rolling Rocks Downhill turns 10. Ten years!

Writing that book changed my life. It’s sold thousands of copies, and I’ve heard from so many people over the years about how it’s helped them. Just yesterday, someone emailed to say they’ve read it five times! I never knew that. That kind of feedback means the world to me.

So, to celebrate, I’ve decided to release a 10th Anniversary Hardback Edition. It’s a small, personal project—I’m not doing it for money (Amazon makes hardbacks expensive). In fact, if the only person who buys a copy is me, I’ll be happy! This is about marking a milestone that means a lot to me. The book was really my story in disguise, and the story carried on after the book ended.

Here’s where I’d love your help:

I’d like to include a new preface in the hardback edition, and I want it to reflect your experience with the book. If you’ve read Rolling Rocks Downhill, would you share your thoughts with me? Specifically:

  • How has the book helped you?
  • Is there a moment, story, or idea from the book that stuck with you?
  • Anything else you think belongs in a 10th Anniversary Edition?

You can just hit reply to this email, and your feedback will help me create something meaningful for readers old and new.

Thanks so much for being part of this “journey”. I’ve been on it for 20 years (I am a slow writer) and some of you almost been on it for 10. Whether you’ve read the book or not, your support means everything to me.

All the best,


PS: The kindle version of The Bottleneck Detective is complete. The paperback version is in reviews with Amazon. The audiobook version is taking auditions from narrators with gravely detective voices. 🕵️‍♂️


Clarke Ching - The Bottleneck Guy

I'm Clarke. I help busy bosses claw their weekends back.

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