If you're going to laugh at someone today, it might as well be me ...

clarke ching 1 min read
If you're going to laugh at someone today, it might as well be me ...
Photo by Andy Wang / Unsplash

A couple of weeks ago I took my 80-year-old Mum out for fish and chips.

We sat inside at one of those big shared tables, since it was raining. A very chatty lady in her 70s sat down opposite us and immediately launched into a long conversation. Nice of her, but neither required nor desired.

After about five minutes of non-stop chatting, she looked at my Mum and asked,

“So, what made you two decide to come out today?”

Then, before we could answer, she turned to Mum and said,

“Did you just decide it’d be a nice day to take your husband out for some fish and chips?”

My mum and I froze. We exchanged a glance.

Husband? Really?

I politely corrected the lady.

She smiled, and offered me to try some of her fish, then we four carried on as if nothing had happened.

You know what?

That meal wasn't just a meal.

It's now a memory.


P.s. later, as we walked back to the car, Mum turned to me and said:

“I’m not sure which one of us should be more insulted by that.”


Clarke Ching - The Bottleneck Guy

I'm Clarke. I help busy bosses claw their weekends back.

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