My brain is like my lawn mower

clarke ching 1 min read
My brain is like my lawn mower
Photo by Daniel Watson / Unsplash

I used to think my brain is like my iPhone - I use it all day, then recharge it overnight while I sleep.

Today, I've decided it's more like my battery-powered lawn mower.

When the grass is short and dry:

  • the cutting is easy, and,
  • the battery lasts for up to an hour, and,
  • I happily mow all my lawns, in one go, and then I recharge it.

The recharge takes 2-3 hours.

When the grass is long, and lush:

  • the cutting is hard, and,
  • the battery lasts 20-30 minutes, so,
  • I have to mow my lawns over a few days, recharging each day.

My brain is like that.

And, henceforth, I've decided to stop beating myself up whenever I can't mow all the grass in one day! The grass is long and lush in my world!

How about you?


Clarke Ching - The Bottleneck Guy

I'm Clarke. I help busy bosses claw their weekends back.

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