
My head wants to explode

Do your customers care?
clarke ching 1 min read

Today (or, technically Monday UK time) I’m publishing the first lesson in the BETA version of a new course I’ve been putting together over the last few months.

I had hoped to publish the first 2 lessons, since they’re written (as powerpoints, with some detailed scripting), but then my head exploded.


Like that.

It was going okay until I realised that the videos were meant to be in 16:9 HD format, but my slides are 1024x768.

I made a copy of the slides then switched themes to the right size and “*;$}$/$:&:&{*” they looked awful.

So, rather than fix them, I went and lay in my bed, pulled the pillow over my face and tried to suffocate myself.


So, I went and made a cup of tea.

And, then my wife came home from work and I told her how the world was about to end.

She said, ‘Will the people taking the course care?’

I shook my head.

And she said, ‘Okay.’

And I went back to work.

There are many fancy definitions of quality - fitness for purpose, conformance to spec, and so on.

Maybe a variation on my wife’s question, ‘Will your users or customers care?’ is good enough.

More from Clarke Ching - The Bottleneck Guy

Clarke Ching - The Bottleneck Guy

I'm Clarke. I help busy bosses claw their weekends back.

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