grow like a

Baby steps ...

clarke ching 1 min read
Baby steps ...
Photo by Henley Design Studio / Unsplash

Please take 2 seconds … and answer this question:

At work, do I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day?

Now rate it from 1–5, where 5 is "always".

Now, write the number down somewhere.

I'll wait for you ..




The Strengths Finder book emerged from HR company Gallop’s Q12 programme.

It asks employees 12 questions - hence “Q12”.

The 3rd was:

At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day.

You rate your answer from 1–5, just like you did a moment ago.

Gallop reckons there's a strong correlation between the number of people who score 5s and business performance.

Here's what I reckon:

I reckon YOU DESERVE to work in a 5 out of 5 job.

I’m not saying you must work in a 5 out of 5 job.
I'm not saying it's easy getting there.
I'm not saying your (current) bosses will want that.

I’m saying you deserve it.

  • Can you imagine what it’s like when, almost every day, you go home and think to yourself, “Wow … I truly was able to do what I’m best at today”?

That’d be a good life.

  • Now … imagine what it would feel like if most of your colleagues felt the same way.

That’d be a cool place to work.

I hope I don't sound like some skanky Facebook "influencer", but I reckon that YOUR first step to scoring that 5 out of 5 is deciding that you deserve it.

The second step is to decide to get there in small steps ...

Baby steps ... the key to growth.

That's all for now; I hope you had a nice weekend, and if you have a moment:

→ Hit reply and say hello!


P.S. This note was about 300 words, a little longer than normal, but it should have only taken 1-2 minutes to read. I'm keeping these notes short'n'snappy while I send them more frequently.

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Clarke Ching - The Bottleneck Guy

I'm Clarke. I help busy bosses claw their weekends back.

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