Relocate your "Thinking Castle"

clarke ching 1 min read
Relocate your "Thinking Castle"
Photo by Fermin Rodriguez Penelas / Unsplash - Someone stole his sandcastle.

Picture this: A kid's sandcastle on the beach. Kid goes home. Tide rolls in. Sandcastle? Gone.

Your precious thinking/leading time? That's your "Thinking Castle".

There are many ways to protect a thinking castle.

The hard way

  • Build a concrete castle.
  • Add deep foundations.
  • Construct huge walls around it.
  • Hire assistants whose job is to push the tides away.

You're still fighting the tides. You won't win.

The easy way?

Hide your thinking castle where the tides can't see it:

  • Block out time in your diary,
  • give it a cryptic but urgent & important sounding name,
  • add it at a time when you do your best thinking.
  • Vary the times, so people don't figure out what you're up to (thinking!)

Use the time for important stuff.

Your thinking castle is your most precious resource.

Hope this helps. Click reply, if you like, say hello!


p.s. don't forget to reply!!!!

p.s. don't forget to reply!!!!

Clarke Ching - The Bottleneck Guy

I'm Clarke. I help busy bosses claw their weekends back.

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