Happy New Year!
I hope you had a nice catch up with family and friends over the last few weeks.
This will be the last Christmas with my eldest daughter, Aisling, for a year or two since she is wrapping up her masters and moving to Ireland. It was soooo nice to have her and her sister, Alice, home from university for a few weeks*.
In just under 24 hours I'm celebrating the 10th anniversary of the book, with a little, ahem, party, on zoom.
If you'd like to join us, there's ONE session but, because the world is round, and New Zealander's are the first people to wake up each calendar day, it's at different times and on two different dates:
- San Francisco, United States, Tuesday, 14 Jan, 12:30 PM
- New York City, United States, Tuesday, 14 Jan, 3:30 PM
- Edinburgh, United Kingdom - Tuesday, 14 Jan, 8:30 PM
- Paris, France - Tuesday, 14 Jan, 9:30 PM
- Sydney, Australia - Wednesday, 15 Jan, 7:30 AM
- Nelson, New Zealand - Wednesday, 15 Jan, 9:30 AM
What will you get out of joining?
- I'll share a few surprising and useful things I've learned since I wrote the book.
- I'd love to see your smiling face 😄
I'll record the session and share it, but I hope you can join live.
Register here (to join live, and/or to get the recording): https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0tc-mppj8iHNKpbH8f_e-xxIOCU82liNoI
* My girls Alice and Aisling made special (unpaid) guest appearances in Rolling Rocks Downhill, as Steve's two daughters Alison and Ashely. In the book they laughed at my jokes. Fiction ...