clarke's rules

Rule 2

clarke ching 1 min read
Rule 2
Photo by Tanya Yarosh / Unsplash

Let me introduce you to Rule number 2:

Rule 2 - Don’t Boil the Ocean

Let's say you answered yesterday's question (about whether you get to do what you're best at every day at work) with a 2 out of 5.

Don't try to figure out how to leap straight to a 5.
That's like trying to boil the ocean.
It never works.

Do this instead:

  • figure out 2 (or 3) tiny tweaks you could make this week that might, maybe, perhaps bump your score up to 2.25.
  • And then, next week, repeat.

Think -> Grow -> Repeat

Baby steps get you there faster.

Your's Clarke


Clarke Ching - The Bottleneck Guy

I'm Clarke. I help busy bosses claw their weekends back.

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