I hope you were able to find 4 minutes to watch yesterday's hermit crab video.
If not, the short version is:
- sometimes a bunch of hermit crabs line up in a row,
- from smallest to biggest, and, then,
- they each swap shells with the next-biggest hermit crab.
In human land, it's kinda like when:
- the CEO of a business retires, and,
- one of her subordinates takes her job, and,
- one of his subordinates takes his job,
- and so on.
The lovely thing with the hermit crabs is that they end up with a nice new home that has plenty of room for them to grow into.
The lovely thing for people (when they move into a "bigger shell" at work) is that they don't have to grow physically, but they do have to grow in oh-so-many other ways.
The hardest bit?
- Gracefully abandoning the things they were already good.
- While entrusting the person who took their old job to do it well, even though they're still learning the ropes.
If you ask me, the hermit crabs have it easy.