bottleneck detective bootcamp

The Smoking Gun

clarke ching 3 min read
The Smoking Gun

Clarke here:

  • Next week I'm running my first (free) Bottleneck Detective Bootcamp.
  • It's an email course.
  • It'll last 2-3 weeks.
  • This note is just a quick heads up that it's coming.
  • I'll let you know how to sign up later this week.

What follows is my first work of detective fiction - where we meet Billy "The Bottleneck Detective " Brown, our young, self-taught detective.

The course builds on this tiny wee story.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.

A Bottleneck Detective Crime Story
By: Clarke Ching - “the "Bottleneck Guy"

Billy "The Bottleneck Detective " Brown was the go-to kid for solving problems.

Today, he was at the Starlight Cinema, where his friend Jenny worked. 

"Billy, we're in trouble," said Jenny.

"We're not making enough money, and people are going to other cinemas!"

"It's all very stressful for everyone that works here."

"Some of us may lose our jobs."

Billy looked around the cinema.

He noted: the ticket counter was smooth, but the food counter was a mess - long lines, slow service, and frustrated faces.

Hmmm ...

Billy recalled rule #1 from Bottleneck Detective School...

Rule #1: Long queues are like the smoking gun in a crime movie - they often point to the criminal.

"Hmm," said Billy. "I've got an idea, but I need to test it."

Billy timed how long it took for people to buy their tickets and how long it took to get food. The difference was huge!

"Jenny, your bottleneck is the food counter. It's too slow.”

“Many of your customers skip buying snacks. You could make a lot more money... if you sped up the queue."

Jenny gasped. "You're right! But what can we do?" 

Billy thought for a moment.

"Try this: When the queue in front of the tickets counter isn't too long, ask Mike to swap over and help the food counter. He's super-fast and will help clear the line quicker."

Jenny did as Billy suggested.

Within minutes:

  • the food lines sped up,
  • the queues shrunk, and,
  • sales soared!

"Wow, Billy! You found our bottleneck and fixed it!"

And that's how Billy "The Bottleneck Detective" Brown saved the Starlight Cinema, one bottleneck at a time.

Any thoughts? Hit Reply.



Clarke Ching - The Bottleneck Guy

I'm Clarke. I help busy bosses claw their weekends back.

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