Have you ever had that dream where you're walking down a busy street naked? Launching a book is like that. My Bottleneck Detective book launched over the weekend ... and so far all is well. I've had some very nice feedback, and no complaints (yet!). The best bit for me? I've started helping an early reader use Billy Brown's bottleneck detective techniques to rescue their cash starved business. Yay!
Heads up: I decided to write a new book and it will launch within the next 3 months.
I'm going to use the same approach I used to write this new one.
- I'll start with a free email course that I write 1 or 2 days ahead.
- That keeps me motivated and keeps the book ultra focused and short.
- I'll then take a few days off then spend several weeks rewriting it.
This book is gonna be VERY SHORT.
But it's got the longest title I could think of:
Don’t Read This if You Dont Care About Delivering
Agile Projects on Time.
The subtitle is
Fast, Focused and Actually Agile
More details tomorrow.
Two recommendations this week - for clever ideas!
RECOMMENDATION ONE - Ian Leslie writes a wonderful substack called The Ruffian, which I happily pay for.
In this week's article he argues that "Maybe Your Opinion Is Just a Feeling About a Story".
He's right - though that's just my opinion and he told a story to prove his point.
RECOMMENDATION TWO - My genius friend Rory Sutherland wrote a short article in the spectator where he suggests a crazy-ar$ed way of coming up with brilliant ideas by coming up with ultra-crazy-arsed ideas.
And, now for the weekly recap:
Your Weekly Recap:

Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Friday, December 6, 2024
Hope you're doing well!
PS: And, look, it's a weird time of year.
If you ever feel like your head is gonna do this - 🤯 - send me an email. Sometimes just doing this - 🤮 - onto the page is cathartic. You don't even need to hit send. I'm happy to chat. Won't try and sell you anything.