No recommendations this week ... just 4 images that made me think and smile.
This car is owned by a speech therapist.

My daughter spotted it while driving to the beach this morning.
Obviously (I hope) if I had that numberplate I'd look obnoxious. Ick.
But when you know it belongs to a speech therapist I think it looks kinda neat. It's got a smile on its face.
I spotted this one on my iPad's Maps app, while hunting for a place to go to dinner on Thursday.

No: we didn't go to dinner there!
Yes: it looks like someone has set up a vasectomy clinic in a trailer / caravan park.
But: When you zoom out, you see that the trailer park shares the same street address as a medical centre.
Not the best marketing for Snip ... but maybe there's a business opportunity for someone living in the park?
I dunno why but when I saw the previous image I started wondering if Stonehenge started out as an ancient trailer park:

According to ChatGPT ↑ ... it did (it didn't really).
This is my daughter's flat's stove / oven / cooker ... depending on where you live.
Is it mocking us?

Or is it just having fun. 😜
The Week Unwrapped:

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Thursday, December 12, 2024
Friday, December 13, 2024
Hope you're having fun!
I drove an hour yesterday to go for a swim ... and forgot my swimsuit ... doh.
What you been up to my friend? Why not hit reply? Say hello. Send a happy picture!