Weekend Edition

clarke ching 2 min read
Weekend Edition
Photo by Mike Cox / Unsplash - it's rainy here today, so what better than a picture of a butterfly!

Recommendation 1: Assertiveness, Confidence and Success

Decades ago I ended up in a job that utterly stripped me of confidence.

This book, "A Woman in Your Own Right", by Anne Dickson, showed me how to dig myself out of a very deep, dark hole.

It's about assertiveness ... and so much more than that.

Since then, I've recommended it to dozens of friends and clients over the years, and I'm now recommending it to you.

The best bit? It's just come out, for the first time, on Audiobook.

I'm listening to it again, reliving the horrors of the past, and feeling so grateful when someone suggested I read it, saying, "It's not just for women, despite the title."

Recommendation 2

Don't tell Linda this - she's my exercise role model and nemesis - but I've started skipping at the gym.

Who knew (apart from a billion kids) that skipping could be so much fun?

Thanks Linda!

This week’s newsletters:

Writing with AI
TLDR: Using ChatGPT has transformed my life as a writer. Chronic pain had, until recently, stopped me from writing, but now I am back writing again ... and more books (and other content) are on the way. I just got beaten up on an online group when I shared examples of


The Big Sigh of Grattitude ...
When I started writing daily emails I expected to lose a LOT of subscribers. But I knew I needed to start writing daily in the same way some people need to go for a run and some other people need to go pee at 3 o’clock in the morning. I


Have you ever thought about taking a sabbatical? A few months ago, I decided to take one myself, following a long-term consulting engagement. It wasn’t about stepping away completely but more about creating space to focus on creative work that I’ve neglected. During this time, I’ve been


You'll notice I took a couple of days off ... mini sabbaticals.

Take care, my friend, and hit reply (if you feel like saying hello!),


p.s. Yes, I know Gratitude is spelt wrong (thanks Gilbert)!


Clarke Ching - The Bottleneck Guy

I'm Clarke. I help busy bosses claw their weekends back.

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