Back to Brie, our “Big Cheese bottleneck”.
The Brie of 4 years ago, when she was leading a team of 30 people.
Her team was growing like crazy.
And she had become team’s bottleneck.
Not that she’d use that word.
It sounds like an insult.
“You're the bottleneck.
You’re the person who’s holding everyone up."
Brie had fought off becoming the bottleneck for years.
By working longer and longer hours.
But now, finally, she’d run out of hours.
Because every personal hour had been sacrificed to work.
You know the saying, “What got you here, won’t get you there?”
Do hermit crabs think about that when they change shells?
People do.
Tomorrow … I’ll introduce you to the wedge strategy.
Mmmm … cheese.